What is Most difficult thing for new customer use ACHI UV DTF printer ?

UV DTF Roll Film print is a new technology since 2020 , After more than 2 years experience .
There are FIVE difficult thing for new customer to use ACHI UV DTF printer .
Firstly, make spot color image, There are different image design software in the market .
And Some of customers completely did not use photoshop software .
Meanwhile , The photoshop is necessary software to make spor color image of ACHI UV DTF printer .
In other hand , Other software can design PNG image . But all PNG images need to import into photoshop to make spot color image for ACHI UVDTF printer .
Therefore customer need to prepare photoshop software in advance.
And then , https://youtu.be/9BJbws8EYlc.
The video content from 03:36 to 06:55 show how to use photoshop to make spot color of ACHI UV DTF Printer.
New customer can check above video to know whether can make spot color image by yourself .
Secondly , install AB film of ACHI UV DTF Printer.
This step is key to help UVDTF printer work statble in future .
Engineers can help new customer via skype , but most of operation need to be done by themself .
Therefore customer can carefully check below video to know whether can finish below operations .
In this step , Engineers maybe need you to move film paper to confirm film paper installation competely correct .
The paper film movement maybe leads to waste , Therefore in order to avoide waste too many film paper , hope new customer check above videos carefully .
Thirdly, Waste film paper collector of ACHI UV DTF Printer use .
This step completely finished by customer , Engineers can not help too much this step .
Only this video for new customer reference .
The collector need to learn step by step or time by time , In other words , New customer need to spend some time to find correct tension of waste film paper collector.
Forth, daily maintenance of ACHI UV DTF Printer.
The printer need to print everyday or do daily maintenance every day to prevent the print head clogged .
Some customer directly used UVDTF wraps in before , simple and easy .
And did not have daily time to do daily maintenance about printer .
At Last , Big time difference of ACHI UV DTF Printer between China and USA.
Especially , When engineers start work 08:30 am in China , The time of easten USA customer is 20:30 pm .
And some of customers only accept to work in day , instead of evening , Therefore, They are very easily tired in evening, it leads to the customer service&technical support can not be provided.
As summary , If new customer can not accpet FIVE difficult thing as above , Maybe need to think about again whether buy ACHI UV DTF Printer .
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UV DTF printer