Why small batch customization of hard items such as glass, metal, and acrylic can be solved by ACHI UV DTF Printer in the advertising industry?

Currently, various customized DIY products are very popular in the market.
The DTF hot stamping printing solution solves the personalized customization of textiles such as T-shirts, especially for small batch customization, which is very flexible and fast.
And then how can small batch customization of hard items such as glass, metal, and acrylic be solved in the advertising industry?
The customization of the advertising industry is usually made by traditional screen printing or UV flat-panel machine, which requires reproduction of the template.
But If the cost of the template is apportioned to small batch products, the unit price of small batch production will become particularly high.
Especially , All traditional printing is not suitable for irregular shape product
Meanwhile, we often encounter various cost and environmental issues.
Thefore , it is difficult to customize in small batch in before .
Let's take a look at the overall solution of the crystal label of UV DTF printer:
First, it is sprayed with white as a base, then sprayed with color ink,
At last, it is transferred through a B-side composite film to form the finished product.
The entire process is formed by the printer as closed-loop, No need any additional machine like oven ,powder and so on .
The last step is simply pasted the sticker on the item you want to customize.
It only requires one crystal label printer, which uses Epson nozzles and UV crystal label special ink, printed on a special printing film.
The sticker will be sent to the user, no need to transport the real product to the factory of the traditional process of making film and screen printing.
This achieves the same day shipment, and the factory or e-commerce warehouse only needs to prepare the main product, reduce inventory and reduce transportation losses and inventory waste.
Therefore the emergence of UV DTF printers has completely solved the small batch customization in the advertising industry.
It is best option for small business owner for small business customized order .
Let us see the UV DTF printer how to work
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UV DTF printer